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Sort order for files Manual page 91
You can control the order in which you see the files in a
directory using the second group of options in the Left/Right
Name Sort files alphabetically by name.
eXtension Sort files alphabetically by extension.
Files with the same extension will be sorted
by name.
tiMe Sort files by time, with the most recent
files first. Files with the same time will
be sorted alphabetically.
Size Sort files by size, with the largest files
first. Files with the same size will be
sorted alphabetically.
Unsorted Show the files in the same order as the DOS
"dir" command shows the files.
. Directories will always appear in the directory panel
before any files (unless you've selected the Unsorted
. Uppercase names are always directories, and lowercase
names are always files:
DIR_NAME A directory name
file_name A file name
. If the appropriate panel (Left or Right) either isn't
visible or isn't a file panel, selecting a sort order
will change it into a file panel.
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Written by Dave Pearson